We offer free standard shipping on all orders. Most orders are expected to be shipped within 1-3 business days of the order being placed and delivered 3-5 business days after the order has been placed.
Orders may take longer to ship depending on product availability. Please review the expected shipping time upon checkout.
Once orders are placed, they are immediately sent to our fulfillment center to be packaged and shipped. Because of this, we cannot guarantee any cancellation of orders once the order has been placed.
All products sold on this site are for personal use and are not for resale. All resale of our products is strictly prohibited. All orders placed through this site are subject to our acceptance, in our sole discretion. We may refuse to accept or cancel any order, whether or not it has been confirmed, without us having any liability to you or any one else. We reserve the right to discontinue any program or offer at any time, with no additional notice.
Please reach out to for more information.